Personal Information

Champ Developers are committed to respect your privacy and protect your rights when you browse our website. In order to provide services we offer at,  Champ Developers hold some of your personal details such as your name, address, email and phone number.

Data collected while browsing our website is generally for statistical purpose only (browser type, IP address, access times by area and page). This data is not connected with your personal details. 

Usage of Personal Data and Disclosure to Third Parties

Champ Developers will not use your personal data (including your email address) for commercial or direct marketing nor disclose this information to outside organizations without express permission or under special circumstances. Champ Developers will only disclose confidential information about you if required by legal proceedings or by court. 

Cookies and IP Addresses

When you visit our website, we may use cookies or other similar files to improve the quality of our services and to make navigation process easier for future visits (by remembering your details).

The use of cookies and your IP address allow us to generate a report that analyse your behavior on the website i.e, how you access our site, what pages you visited and time duration of the connection.

Cookies can easily be configured on your computer - you can just disable or delete them from your web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.). However, please note that if the cookies disabled, you may experience connection problems on some pages.

Security Guarantee

We are committed to protect the data we collect (the information is kept in a secure environment and will not be accessible to public). Once you share your personal information online, you expose yourself to the risk of a third party intercepting this data.

Champ Developers use standard security protocols to protect any transaction on the website. These protocols include encryption, access controls, and network firewalls.

Amendments to Privacy and Your Consent

Any changes to the conditions of privacy policy will be published on the website where applicable. By using you accept our Privacy Policy